Fear of God
Matthew 10:26 Therefore you should not fear them. For nothing is hidden which shall not be revealed and secret which shall not be made known. 27 That which I say to you in the darkness you speak in the light, and that which you hear in the ear proclaim upon the houses!
How can a Christian ever be afraid to speak the truth? If you are persecuted for speaking the truth, then be proud of it – your reward is great in heaven!
Matthew 10:28 And do not fear from those killing the body, but are not able to kill the soul. But rather fear He who is able also to slay soul and body in Gehenna!
Christians should have no fear of jew nor beast. We should only have fear of God. If we deny or conceal the truth before our fellows, what shall our God think of us when we stand before Him? From Brenton's Septuagint 4 Maccabees 13:12-17, which while we may or may not accept the book as canon, it nevertheless reflects the attitudes that Christ also professes here: “12 And another, Remember of what stock ye are; and by the hand of our father Isaac endured to be slain for the sake of piety. 13 And one and all, looking on each other serene and confident, said, Let us sacrifice with all our heart our souls to God who gave them, and employ our bodies for the keeping of the law. 14 Let us not fear him who thinketh he killeth; 15 for great is the trial of soul and danger of eternal torment laid up for those who transgress the commandment of God. 16 Let us arm ourselves, therefore, in the abnegation of the divine reasoning. 17 If we suffer thus, Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob will receive us, and all the fathers will commend us.”