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Matthew 6:9 Therefore thusly are you to pray: ‘Our Father who is in the heavens: Your name must be sanctified; 10 Your kingdom must come; Your will must be done, as in heaven also upon the earth! 11 Give to us our bread sufficient for today, 12 and remit for us our debts, as we also have remitted for our debtors. 13 And do not bring us into trial, but deliver us from the Evil One.’

Yahweh tries no man, as the apostle James tells us. Yet Yahweh allowed Job to be tried by the Adversary. Yahweh tempts no man, but allows us to be tempted by the world. This seems to be a paradox, yet it is rather simple. While it may not have been the case with Job, most often when men are tempted it is due to their own lusts which they give in to, and this leads us to trial. Obeying the will of God, we would not give in to such worldly desires, and we would have a far less chance of being subjected to the trials of this world.